The SOLAS Early Career Scientists (ECS) Committee acts as a self-organised, strategic, and operational body to advise, coordinate, and champion early career activities within the framework of SOLAS science under the supervision of the SOLAS Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) and International Project Office (IPO).
SOLAS welcomes applications from graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty members who have received their latest degree within 10 years. Candidates from developing countries are explicitly encouraged to apply. The committee members are appointed for a 3-year term or until they cannot be defined as an Early Career Scientist anymore. The first committee will be elected by the SOLAS SSC. In addition, the ECS committee chair will be appointed to the SOLAS SSC as the representative of ECS committee.
- The ECS committee will be self-organised, under the supervision of the SSC and IPO;
- Organise SOLAS early career scientist activities and events;
- Create and maintain an early career network;
- Report to the SOLAS SSC and IPO on an annual basis about preceding 12-month achievements, along with a plan for activities in the next year;
- Research experience in the SOLAS domain;
- Sufficient time to fulfil ECS committee's responsibilities;
- Latest degree (MSc or PhD) obtained within 10 years (excluding parental leave, serious illness and similar delays);
How to apply:
- Self-nominations and nominations by a third party are accepted. If you are nominating someone else, please ensure you have obtained his/her agreement prior to submission of the nomination.
2. Nominations should include the following information:
Personal information
- First name, family name of the candidate:
- Gender:
- Nationality:
- Date of birth:
- Affiliation and position:
- Email:
- Latest degree & obtained year:
Support for nomination
- Area of expertise (max. 20 words):
- Brief case for the nomination, along with a vision statement indicating areas of specific interest and engagement in SOLAS (max. 500 words):
- Submitted by (self, or name of nominee if not self)
A short CV (max. 3 pages)
(Self-) nominations should be submitted by email as a single document (.doc or .pdf) to Li Li (lili34@xmu.edu.cn) by 25th November 2022, 23:59 pm, CST. Applicants will be informed of the outcome at the end of 2022.