The volunteer SOLAS Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) is responsible for providing scientific guidance to and overseeing the development, planning and implementation of the SOLAS project, including communication of ongoing SOLAS activities and encouraging the publication and dissemination of SOLAS science results. Furthermore, the SOLAS SSC encourages national governments, as well as regional and international funding agencies, to support the implementation of core SOLAS research and the achievement of SOLAS goals.
Scientific Steering Committee Contacts

Christa Marandino (SSC Co-Chair)
Expertise: air-sea exchange, trace gases, eddy covariance

William Miller (SSC Co-Chair)
Expertise: photochemistry, chemical cycles, ocean optics

Lennart Bach
Expertise: marine C cycle, marine CO₂ removal, plankton ecology & physiology

Thomas Bell
Expertise: oceanic and atmospheric chemistry, air-sea gas exchange

Rafael P. Fernandez
Expertise: atmospheric chemistry modelling (global & polar), chemistry-climate interactions, halogen sources and chemistry

Ellycia Harrould-Kolieb
Expertise: ocean governance, ocean-climate nexus, science-policy interface

Maria Kanakidou (Exec. committee)
Expertise: chemistry-climate modelling, bgc, air pollutants

Karin Kvale
Expertise: ocean bgc, climate modelling, ecological microplastic impacts

Zouhair Lachkar
Expertise: marine biogeochemical modeling, oxygen minimum-zones, coastal upwelling systems

Joan Llort
Expertise: ocean bgc, aerosols, biological carbon pump

Ivonne Montes
Expertise: ocean dynamics & modelling, upwelling system, climate change

Daiki Nomura
Expertise: biogeochemical cycles, sea ice, polar oceans

Andreas Raspotnik
Expertise: Arctic geopolitics & geoeconomics, EU Arctic policy, Arctic blue economy development

Nadja Steiner (Exec. committee)
Expertise: bgc modelling, polar air-sea-ice exchange processes, sea ice and ocean biogeochemistry

Huijie Xue
Expertise: regional air-sea interactions, coastal ocean modeling and forecasting, coupled bio-physical models

Lisan Yu
Expertise: air-sea fluxes and interaction, ocean salinity and water cycle
Past Scientific Steering Committee Members
Name |
Years served |
Name |
Years served |
Katye Altieri |
6 |
Emmanuel Boss |
3 |
Philip Boyd |
7 |
Isabel Cacho Lascorz | 6 |
Marcela Cornejo D'Ottone |
3 |
Elsa Cortijo |
4 |
Minhan Dai (chair) |
7 |
Ken Denman |
5 |
Erik van Doorn |
6 |
Anja Engel |
6 |
Maria Cristina Facchini |
6 |
Diego Gaiero |
3 |
Laura Gallardo |
3 |
Huiwang Gao |
6 |
Christoph Garbe |
6 |
Veronique Garcon (chair) |
6 |
Santiago Gassó |
6 |
Roland von Glasow |
6 |
Michelle Graco |
6 |
Cecile Guieu (chair) |
8 |
Sergey Gulev |
6 |
Christoph Heinze |
6 |
Barry Huebert |
7 |
Andrew Jessup |
1 |
Tim Jickells |
6 |
Truls Johannessen |
7 |
Dave Kieber |
6 |
Gerbrand Komen |
2 |
Ilan Koren |
6 |
Arne Körtzinger | 6 |
Nilgun Kubilay |
2 |
Dileep Kumar |
3 |
Christiane Lancelot |
5 |
Mohd Talib Latif | 6 |
Cliff Law (chair) |
6 | Gerrit de Leeuw | 6 |
Andrew Lenton |
3 |
Maurice Levasseur | 6 |
Peter Liss (chair) |
7 |
Anoop Mahajan | 6 |
Paty Matrai | 7 | Wade McGillis |
6 |
Bill Miller |
5 |
Lisa Miller (chair) |
9 |
Peter Minnett |
6 |
Jun Nishioka |
6 |
Yukihiro Nojiri |
6 |
Jurgita Ovadnevaite | 6 |
Ulrich Platt |
6 |
Patricia Quinn |
6 |
Katherine Richardson |
2 |
Anna Rutgersson |
6 |
Alfonso Saiz-Lopez |
5 |
Eric Saltzman (chair) |
7 |
VVSS Sarma |
3 |
Peter Schlosser |
4 |
Guang-Yu Shi |
6 |
Rafel Simo |
6 |
Arvind Singh | 3 |
Jacqueline Stefels |
6 |
Parvadha Suntharalingam |
6 |
Shigenobu Takeda |
6 |
Mitsuo Uematsu |
6 |
Osvaldo Ulloa |
5 |
Ilana Wainer |
2 |
Doug Wallace (chair) |
8 |
Brian Ward |
6 |
Guiling Zhang |
6 |