Indian Ocean Science

This seminar is co-hosted by the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) Early Career Scientists Network and the SOLAS Early Career Scientist Committee and will highlight Indian Ocean science conducted by early career scientists from Indian Ocean-rim countries.

13:30-14:45 UTC+5.5, Friday, 2 August 2024
International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) Early Career Scientists Network (ECSN) & SOLAS Early Career Scientist Committee (ECSC)
Mansi Gupta (Space and Atmospheric Sciences Division, Physical Research Laboratory, India)
Liselotte Tinel (IMT Nord Europe, France)


Zahor Khalfan
Zanzibar Fisheries and Marine Resources Research Institute (ZAFIRI), Tanzania
Title: Seaweed industry evolution, status and recent development
Abstract: Zanzibar recognised globally as a hub in cultivation, production and exportation of seaweed products. It's positioning a second leading export crop after cloves and, her third-most earner of foreign earnings after tourism and cloves. Seaweed marks the single most important aquaculture sub sector in Tanzania, playing a significant role in the development of the blue economy particularly in Zanzibar. Seaweed farming in Zanzibar started early 1989's introduced seeds from Philipines. Seaweed sector employs nearly 26,000 people with almost 80 percent of them being women. Two species commonly farmed in Zanzibar are Kappaphycus alvarezii and Eucheuma denticulatum. Commercially recognised as Cottonii (Mwani mnene) and Spinosum (Mwani mwembamba). Seaweed playing a significant role in Zanzibar Blue Economy which is among the five priorities of Zanzibar Blue Economy area. Zanzibar archipelago is the first in Africa and among top five seaweed producer globally. Production, exports and earnings of seaweed in Zanzibar have fluctuated over time due to social and environmental factors. The maximum production was 2015 and 2023 respectively reported export 16,653 and 16,514 metric tons. The recent establishment Ministry of Blue Economy and Fisheries in Zanzibar fuel the development of seaweed industry as it support seaweed farmers various tools (ropes, boats, seeds), training and construction of seaweed factory to add value, attractive price ideally encourage seaweed farmers.
Apurva P. Joshi
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Hyderabad, India
Title: Sea-surface pCO2 maps for the Bay of Bengal based on advanced machine learning algorithms
Abstract: Understanding the variations of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) for the Bay of Bengal (BoB) has been limited due to the unavailability of a sufficient number of observations. Using a significant number of open and coastal ocean pCO2 measurements and collocated variables controlling pCO2 variability in the BoB, an machine learning (ML)-based high-resolution (1/12°) climatological data product (INCOIS-ReML) has been developed, which provides sea-surface climatological pCO2 maps for the BoB. The capability of INCOIS-ReML has been demonstrated by comparing it with sea-surface pCO2 data from the Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction (RAMA) mooring and gridded Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) data product. INCOIS-ReML is performing better than six widely used ML-based pCO2 data products. The high-resolution INCOIS-ReML significantly captures the spatial variability of pCO2 compared to other ML products in the coastal and the northern BoB. This data product is expected to help the researchers distinguish the source/sink behavior of the BoB, which essentially improves the Indian Ocean carbon budget in a changing environment.

