Click on the links to download the individual posters.
(in the order of topic: physical, atmospheric chem, ocean biogeochem, and general/misc)
Link to the Q&A Google doc:
1. Gad Levy et al., Indian Ocean ITCZ States and the Indian Summer Monsoon - Identifying Predictors of Monsoon Breaks (1.8 MB .pdf)
2. Banerjee, A case study of characteristics and vulnerability power of Tropical Cyclone in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea in 2018 and the possible solar linkage with them (1.4 MB .pdf)
3. Chayanika, Indian Ocean Salinity And Temperature Data Visualization (0.4 MB .pdf)
4. Anup et al., 10-20 day variability in sea level along the east coast of India using model and observation (2.1 MB .pdf)
5. Pal, Seasonal variability of different modes of Tropical Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperature in warming climate (3.2 MB .pdf)
6. Mithun Sundhar et al., A note on the dissipation of interfacial waves (0.7 MB .pdf)
7. Sil et al., Temperature Inversions Studies using ARGO in the Indian Ocean (2.0 MB .pdf)
8. Suresh et al., Provenance tracing of long-range transported dust over the Northeastern Arabian Sea during southwest monsoon (1.4 MB .pdf)
9. Guieu et al., Major impact of atmospheric iron on the productivity of the Arabian Sea (1.7 MB .pdf)
10. Manjunatha et al., Atmospheric Input of Nutrients to the South-Western Continental Margin of India (0.7 MB .pdf)
11. Kaushik et al., Chemical characterization of coarse and fine aerosols over the Northeastern Arabian Sea: Sources and Temporal variability (5.3 MB .pdf)
12. Panda et al., Seasonal variability of trace metal composition in atmospheric aerosol over Northeast Arabian Sea (1.8 MB .pdf)
13. Inamdar et al., Role of iodide parameterisation in ocean atmosphere iodine chemistry (1.4 MB .pdf)
14. Pfannerstill et al., A new marine biogenic emission: methane sulfonamide (MSAM), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), and dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2) measured in air over the Arabian Sea (2.5 MB .pdf)
15. Shrivardhan et al., The third revisions of the bottom-up DMS climatology (DMS-Rev3) and its implications on the Indian Ocean region (1.9 MB .pdf)
16. Sabu et al., Abundance and activity of methane oxidizing bacteria in commercial shrimp aquaculture (0.3 MB .pdf)
17. Deb Burman et al., Salinity Controls Transpiration at a Tropical Mangrove on the Bay of Bengal Coast of India (3.8 MB .pdf)
18. Mili et al., C,H,N,S in sediment of Bay of Bengal (0.5 MB .pdf)
19. Sarkar, Gulf of Opportunities: Marginal seas of Indian Ocean (3.3 MB .pdf)
20. Pamarthi, The role of government and controlling strategies on climate change? It’s future challenges?? (0.5 MB .pdf)
21. Jing Li, CLIVAR in the Indian Ocean (2.1 MB .pdf)