Special Issue: New perspectives on Air-Ice Chemical Interactions (AICI)

Bartels-Rausch et al. 2014

In June 2011, Air-Ice Chemical Interactions (AICI) held a workshop at Columbia University, USA, which brought together new insights from AICI studies, including the following: Ocean-Atmosphere-Sea Ice-Snowpack (OASIS), International Polar Year (IPY), and Halogens in the Troposphere (HitT). Discussions during the workshop dealt with new laboratory results that provide a molecular level understanding of the chemistry in snow and with the challenge to connect those to field observations by appropriate models. The challenge to develop detailed snow-chemistry models that better describe and predict air-snow interactions is considerable given that the chemistry proceeds via multiple steps, the snow is highly heterogeneous, and the number of important trace gases and radicals is numerous. The outcome of this workshop was a joint special issue in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics and Earth System Data on “New Perspectives on Air-Ice Chemical Interactions” that is comprised of a series of review articles.

For more details see also the IGAC website:

Read and download the special issue here:

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