7th International SOLAS Summer School

23rd July - 4th August 2018, Cargèse, Corsica, France

The SOLAS Summer School is a biennial, international event that brings together students and world-leading international scientists, in a variety of fields, for a combination of lectures and practical workshops. It aims to teach the skills and knowledge of the many disciplines needed to understand the nature of ocean-atmosphere interactions and how to link ocean-atmosphere interactions with climate and people. It allows doctoral students and early-career researchers to see how their work fits into the broad canvas of SOLAS, and global change research more generally.

Many thanks to the 64 excellent students, 17 lecturers/practical demonstrators, the organising committee, and especially to Christa Marandino, who helped to make the 7th International SOLAS Summer School a great success. Congratulations to the winners of the best practical report and best oral presentations as listed below.

files/solas-int/content/downloads/Activities/SOLAS events/SSS18/School Pictures/Pic school.jpg

Best scientific report winners as voted for by the lecturers

Adebusayo Adedapo
Hadar Berman
Marine Bretagnon,
Jason M. Covert
Matias Pizarro-Koch
Yuting Zhu

Honourable mention scientific report as voted for by the lecturers
Habib Micael Aguedjou
Sonja Friman
Domitille Louchard
Camille Richon
Sean Ridge
Allison Staniec
Boris Wittek

Best oral presentation winner as voted for by the lecturers
Mishka Rawatlal

Best oral presentation winner as voted for by the students
Domitille Louchard

files/solas-int/content/downloads/Activities/SOLAS events/SSS18/School Pictures/IMG_0724.JPG

Click here to download the group photo 2018

Participants 2018

Adedapo Adebusayo Ghahremaninezha Roya Rawatlal Mishka
Aguedjou Habib Giunta Valentina Richon Camille
Ahmed Mohamed Gupta Ashok Ridge Sean
Baldo Clarissa Gutierrez Lucia Roberts Elliott
Berman Hadar Leyba Ines Rodriguez Pablo
Bif Mariana Liu Bo Rosati Bernadette
Biswas Mriganka Loades David Sakata Kohei
Bretagnon Marine Louchard Domitille Shen Yanjie
Christiansen Sigurd Maas Josefine Sierra Ana
Conte Ludivine Markuszewski Piotr Sims Richard
Covert Jason Mdutyana Mhlangabezi Smith Alexandra
Cvitesickusan Ana Mehta Sanchit Staniec Allison
Du Guanxiang Moore Kathryn Strzelec Michal
Duke Patrick Niemeyer Daniela Valdes Paola
Duprat Luis Nylund Amanda Vhuiyan Razib
Ehlert Dana Orselli Iole Wittek Boris
Felix Armando Patel Anil Wohl Charel
Friman Sonja Perezcoronel Elisabet Wong Shukuan
Gac Jean-Philippe Perron Morgane Wu Yingxu
Geffroy Solene Phillips Daniel Zhu Yuting
Geisen Carla Pizarro-Koch Matias  
Genovese Cristina Qin Chuan  

- last update August 2018 -

